hee hee what a silly pug :3
Well when people start a new blog they usually say 'New year , new blog ' buuuuut its May so i cannot , i would look rather silly . So my first blog was a blog totally dedicated to Lush Cosmetics , and well to be honest i got a little bored of posting about just lush because i have so many other interests in life that i wish to share with the world . Thus this new blog is born . This Blog shall consist of randomness , beauty , and foood . I would like to start by saying a upcoming outing to G.A.Y in London eeeeep , has made me think i need a new outfit everything, shoes, bag , dress , the lot . Some of it is sorted i am currently bidding fiercely for a gorgeous and simple topshop skater dress on eBay the shoes are impossible , because i have a freakishly long second toe and my feet are very wide its really hard for me to find shoes Ive tried on about 12 pairs and its just not happening . Bag shall be purchased along with the shoes hopefully :) . Moving on from the outfit buying i thought why not do a party wish list . enjoy !

Dress - Topshop
Shoes-New look
Necklace - Dollybowbow
I'm pretty unsure about what necklace to wear , should i go for a statement piece like the one above , a long statement necklace or a peter pan collar , some advice would help me out allot.
Love Love x