Wednesday, 15 August 2012

I nurse a not so poorly guineapig - update on Pigwigs operation and a accidental photoshoot.

Like I said I would here's a quick update on how Pigwig is getting on . 
Its been a week since he had his cyst removed and he is back to his cheeky old self , destroying everything in his cage , and weeping every time someone comes up the stairs :) 
His wound has scabbed really well and I haven't felt the need to clean it , but he is due for his bath soon so expect some photos of a wet guinea pig . 

When taking photos for this post I really couldn't resist taking more, (sorry they're a bit blurry he is a fidget bum) he looked so content and comfy sitting on the keyboard rolly out able thing on the desk , he used to sit here all the time when he was a baby, and he is licking my wrist as I type this :P

love love